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USM Indonesia Medan - University of Sari Mutiara Indonesia Medan

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The following information about the Study Program / Majors / Department and Concentration / Specialization on USM Indonesia Medan along prospectus (job/career prospects, profession, competencies of graduates) and curriculum (compulsory courses, choice, and weight SKS/credits).

Program Sarjana (S-1)
Accounting (S-1) Accounting
Management (S-1) Management
Chemistry (S-1) Chemistry
Psychology (S-1) Psychology
Legal Studies (S-1) Legal Studies
Communication Studies (S-1) Communication Studies
Library Science (S-1) Library Science
primary teacher education (S-1) primary teacher education
Early childhood education programs (S-1) Early childhood education programs
Information Systems (S-1) Information Systems
Public Healt(S-1) Public Healt

SKS Load & Education Period

Study period and study load of students who have taken Regular Program and Entrepreneur Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended) follow the standards already set by the government, namely:
Minister's decision (Permendikbudristek) Number 53 in 2023 (please click)
Higher Education Quality Assurance.

ToStudy Load (Credits to be taken)Study Period
Graduate SMA, SMK, equivalent
to S-1 Program
Study Load = 144 - 152 sks8 semester
Graduate D-III, Polytechnic,
Academy, equivalent
to S-1 Program
Study Load = 40 - 46 sks
(If not a piece of science additional are given 2 - 21 sks)
3 semester
Graduate D2, S1, D1,
Transfer to S1
Calculated from remaining creditsCalculated from remaining credits

Prospectus and Curriculum Study Program / Majors / Department

(Required/Elective Courses, Job/Career Prospects, Profession, and Competencies of Graduates)
1. Accounting (S-1)
2. Management (S-1)
3. Chemistry (S-1)
4. Psychology (S-1)
5. Legal studies (S-1)
6. Communication Studies (S-1)
7. Library Science (S-1)
8. primary teacher education (S-1)
9. Early childhood education programs (S-1)
10.Information Systems (S-1)
11.Public Health (S-1)

1. S1 Accounting

Graduate Degree : S.Ak. or S.A. or S.E.
Prospectus of S1 Accounting
Accounting Sciences is developing very fast in supporting the needs of the company, the accounting profession, the government and society in the face of global economic turbulence, information and communication technology.

One of the fundamental nature of accounting is to provide financial information quickly, precisely and accurately by using information technology, so have the accountability to all users in order to establish good corporate governance and good government governance.

Accounting Studies program creates graduates who are competent and able to master the financial accounting application, examination and analysis of the financial statements of the company's commercial and public sector as a manager or entrepreneur who is able to create and develop and implement systems and procedures for accounting and financial professionals as well as the development of technology capable of understanding accounting information systems and financial fields applicable.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Accounting
S1 Accounting graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, ability and skills to prepare financial statements, managing finances, developing accounting information systems, carrying out financial audits, conventional and Islamic banking operations, the preparation of the financial statements of micro small and medium enterprises (SMEs/UMKM) in order to meet the needs of credit through the role of the banking sector, calculating and preparing tax reports, analyzing financial statements of public sector for the development of public sector institutions; able to perform a quantitative analysis of the accounting field; able to perform the examination and analysis of the financial statements of commercial and public sector; able to create and develop and implement systems and accounting procedures; has expertise in the areas of tax management,

Basic competencies of S1 Accounting is have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know-how and can continue continuous learning; in dealing with each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the fields of accounting; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize aid them; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of accounting, able to follow new developments in the field of accounting, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

S1 Accounting graduates have strong integrity, the ability to communicate both orally and in writing, ability to cooperate in teams, the ability to understand science to ethics, the ability to understand the knowledge in the field of accounting, the ability to lead others.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Accounting
Bachelor of Accounting can work and career as a public accountant, management accountant, public sector accounting, internal audit, and accounting educators.

Careers in Government Institutions, Private Organizations, and Public Accounting Firm (KAP) as accountant / internal auditor or examiner staff in various departments and agencies such as the Ministry of Finance, BPK, BPKP, KPK, Bank Indonesia, Directorate General Taxation and Tax Service Regional Office throughout Indonesia, BUMN, BUMD, domestic or Foreign (PMDN, PMA), accounting and control expert staff in provincial government departments, municipalities or districts across Indonesia.

Being Entreprenuer (Entrepreneurs) by building public accounting consulting services, finance and taxation, management consulting for corporations and individuals who insightful information and communication technology.

S1 Accounting Courses
* = Concentration / Specificity / Options Courses
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Courses SKS
Cost Accounting & Lab3
International Accounting3
Financial Accounting I & Lab3
Financial Accounting II & lab3
Advanced Financial Accounting I & Lab3
Advanced Financial Accounting II & lab3
Management Accounting3
Government Accounting3
Public Sector Accounting3
Investment Analysis & Portfolio3
Financial Performance Analysis3
Legal Aspects in Economics2
Auditing (Accounting Examination) I3
Auditing (Accounting Examination) II & Lab3
English I2
English II2
English III *2
English IV *2
Bank & Financial Institutions2
International Economics3
Economic Cooperation3
Managerial Economics (Micro)3
Monetary Economics (Macro)3
Business & Professional Ethics2
Business Law2
Tax Law3
Basic Natural Science3
Social & Cultural Association3
Internal Audit3
Capita Selecta1
Financial Management I & Lab3
Financial Management II3
Operations Management3
Marketing Management3
Strategic Management2
Courses SKS
General Management2
Mathematical Economics3
Research Method3
Operation Research3
Examination Management3
Religious Education2
Citizenship Education2
Pancasila Education2
Budgeting & Lab3
Introduction to Accounting I & Lab3
Introduction to Accounting II and Lab3
Introduction to Computer Applications2
Introduction to Business3
Introduction to Macroeconomics3
Introduction to Microeconomics3
Introduction to Economic Development2
Introduction to Management3
Introduction & Information Technology Lab2
Indonesian economy3
Organizational Behavior2
Taxation I3
Taxation II & lab3
Accounting Seminar3
Recompense Systems HR2
Accounting Information Systems I3
Accounting Information Systems II3
Management Information Systems3
Management Control System3
Sociology and Politics2
Statistics I2
Statistics II2
Business Feasibility Study3
Business Projection Techniques3
Financial Accounting Theory3
Macroeconomic Theory2
Micro Economic Theory2

2. S1 Management

Graduate Degree : S.M. or S.Mn. or S.E.
Prospectus of S1 Management
Management science developed in line with the era of globalization, information and communication technologies that provide an understanding of the approach or important procedures in researching, analyzing and solving managerial problems.

Management is a process of planning, organizing, directing and monitoring efforts of the members of the organization and use of resources to achieve organizational goals.

Management courses prepare graduates to enter the job field-based business and non-business, national and international, as professionals in finance, marketing (marketing), HR (human resources), as well as an entrepreneur operating.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Management
S1 Management graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, ability and skills to manage various types of organizations in a comprehensive manner in the areas of finance, marketing, human resources, and operations, as well as strategic decision making.

In addition, it is also equipped with the ability to utilize information and communication technologies in managing the company, developing management information systems, creating a business plan, conduct business negotiations with presentations and good; economic analytical skills, quantitative and management; collate and analyze the financial performance of public enterprises and nonpublic; perform analysis of financial markets (forex market, money market and capital market); draft feasibility study; planning and marketing research; analysis of International Trade, etc.

Bachelor of Management basic competency is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know-how and can continue continuous learning; in dealing with each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of management; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize aid them; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of management, be able to follow new developments in the field of management, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

S1 Management graduates has the ability to lead a business organization with strong integrity, the ability to communicate both orally and in writing, ability to cooperate in teams, the ability to understand science to ethics, the ability to understand the knowledge in the field of management, the ability to lead others.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Management
Bachelor of Management can work and career as a:

Entreprenuer (entrepreneur), academics or a career in government and private agencies as professional managers and experts in the fields of marketing, finance, human resource management, production and operations in manufacturing companies, service companies, hospitals, hotels, banking, education, technology information, communication, and so on.

Being a management consultant / business that are reliable, and insightful entrepreneurs information and communication technology.

S1 Management Courses
* = Concentration / Specificity / Options Courses
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Courses SKS
Cost Accounting3
Management Accounting3
Financial Statement Analysis3
Budget Company3
Legal Aspects in Economics2
English I2
English II2
English III *2
English IV *2
Bank & Financial Institutions3
International Business2
International Economics3
Economic Cooperation3
Managerial Economics3
Islamic Economics2
Business Ethics2
Business Law2
Basic Natural Science3
Social and Cultural Studies Association3
Capita Selecta1
Business Communication3
Bank Management3
SME Business Management2
Distribution Management2
International Management2
Investment Management3
Financial Management3
International Financial Management3
Advanced Financial Management3
Operations Management3
Advanced Operations Management2
Marketing Management3
International Marketing Management3
Marketing Management Services2
Product Management & Price3
Risk Management3
Startegik Management3
Courses SKS
Human Resource Management3
Mathematical Economics3
Research Methodology3
Operation Research3
Capital Markets & Investment3
Religious Education2
Citizenship Education2
Pancasila Education2
Budgeting Company3
Introduction to Accounting I3
Introduction to Accounting II3
Introduction to Computer Applications2
Introduction to Business3
Introduction to Macroeconomics3
Introduction to Microeconomics3
Introduction to Economic Development2
Introduction to Management3
Introduction & Information Technology Lab2
Indonesian Economy3
HR Planning & Development3
Organizational Behavior3
Consumer Behavior3
Financial Management Seminar *3
Operations Management Seminar *3
Seminar Marketing Management *3
HR Management Seminar *3
Recompense Systems HR2
Management Information Systems3
Sociology and Politics2
Statistics I3
Statistics II3
Business Feasibility Study3
Business Projection Techniques3
Macroeconomic Theory2
Micro Economic Theory2
Decision Theory3

3. S1 Chemistry

Graduate Degree : S.Pd
Prospectus S1 Chemical Education
Competency S1 Chemical Education

Chemistry Education Program S1 P2K University of Sari Mutiara Indonesia Medan prepare prospective educators in the field of chemistry which has four core competencies, including:

a. Pedagogic Competence
  • Skilled plan and manage the learning process chemistry in school based curriculum that applies
  • Ability to solve problems in school management including remedial teaching
  • Ability to utilize various media and learning resources for learning chemistry
  • Being able to evaluate the process and outcomes of learning chemistry
  • Having the ability to understand the characteristics of learners from the physical, social, emotional and learning difficulties students understand
b. Personality Competence
  • Can present yourself as a person who is steady, stable, mature, and wise
  • Can present yourself as a person of good character, and become role models for students
  • It has the ability to increase student motivation in accordance with the demands of the profession
c. Professional Competence
  • Mastering the substance of the field of study and the basic methodology of science
  • Mastering the structure and chemistry subject material
  • Organize studies curriculum materials and determine the scope of the depth of teaching materials chemistry at school.
  • Able to carry out research in the field of chemical education
  • Being able to take advantage of ICT (Information and Communi-cation Technology) in studying chemistry, keep abreast of the latest learning methods and designed a study using a computer.
d. Social Competence
  • Able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing with students, administrative staff, fellow teachers, parents / guardians of students and the community around the school is located.
  • Having the ability to apply knowledge in solving problems that occur in the community.

Graduates of Chemical Education Program P2K University of Sari Mutiara Indonesia Medan also prepared to become researchers in the field of chemical education and managers in educational institutions. Mastery of competencies is intended that they can act as an educator in the field of chemistry and have sufficient knowledge provision in the field of chemistry to continue their studies to a higher level. During the lecture, the students in addition equipped with hard skills, soft skills also through both intra and extra-curricular activities.

80% of alumni working in the field of education both as a teacher or lecturer at various schools / PT, instructors / trainers in education and training institutions, bureaucrats or as the manager of the institution. Others work as practitioners and analysts in various industries, researchers at the research institute, laboratory technicians, analysts, working pharmaceutical / other industries, banking, as well as entrepreneurs.
Vision, Mission and Objectives S1 Chemical Education

  • Department of Chemistry is an educational institution of excellence in the field of chemistry minded religious character, have high academic culture and able to cooperate with an entrepreneurial spirit, capable competent in the global order.

  • Conducting educational activities educational staff professional, moral and dedication.
  • Preparing graduates who have an innovative spirit, creative and adaptive so that it has the ability to renew themselves (self-renewable) in the mastery of science and technology.
  • Preparing graduates who are able to continue education to a higher level.

  • Produce high school teachers in the professional field of study Chemistry.
  • To produce graduates who are able to develop subject material chemistry.
  • To produce graduates who are able to proceed to a higher level.
Professions and Career Graduates S1 Chemical Education

Graduates of Chemical Education Program P2K University of Sari Mutiara Indonesia Medan earned the title S.Pd. and they have the qualifications to become educators (teachers) chemistry in high school or vocational school which has a chemical subjects. Graduates of the program is devoted to the study of chemistry into chemistry teacher. They have a great chance to become a high school chemistry teacher, MAN, SMK Chemistry, and the School of Pharmacy, or continue their education to a higher level. In addition, graduates of chemistry education program is also likely to be a force on the chemistry teacher tutoring agency, or open their own jobs. In fact, they are scattered in various sectors, both sectors formal and non formal education, as well as other sectors such as educational institutions, centers of development, economics, business, industry, and even politics.

Subjects S1 Chemical Education
* = Concentration / Specificity / Options Courses
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Basic Math3
General Physics3
Chemical general3
General Biology3
Basic Techniques chemical laboratory:
- Theory and Practice

Basics science Chemistry2
Education Islam2
Christian Religion Education2
Catholic Religious Education2
Education Hinduism2
Education Buddhism2
Indonesian Education2
Physical Education and Sports2
Fundamentals of Computer Programming
- Theory and Practice

Special Mathematics2
Analytical Chemistry I:
- Basic Analytical Chemistry

Introduction to Statistics2
Citizenship Education2
Chemical Industry2
Organic Chemistry I:
- Structure reactivity of organic compounds

Inorganic Chemistry I:
- Structural Inorganic compounds reactivity

Chemical Physics II:
- Chemical Kinetics

Physical Chemistry III:
- Solutions and Electrochemical

Analytical Chemistry II:
-Separation and Electrochemical

Practical Physical Chemistry2
Practical Organic Chemistry I:
- Purification and analysis of organic compounds

Biochemistry I:
- Structure and function of Biomolecules

Inorganic Chemistry II:
- Coordination Chemistry

Analytical Chemistry Lab2
Inorganic Chemistry Lab2
Computational Chemistry2
Physical Chemistry IV:
- Institute of Chemistry

Practical Microbiology2
Environmental Education
Culture and Technology (PLSBT)

Menagement Laboratory2
Biochemistry II:
- Bioenergetics, metabolism and genetic Information

Analytical Chemistry Practicum III:
- Chemical Analytical Instruments

Physical Chemistry V:
- Surface Chemistry

Analytical Chemistry III:
- Chemical Analytical Instruments

Organic Chemistry III:
- Synthesis of Organic Compounds

Organic Chemistry Natural Ingredients2
Seminar on Islamic Education2
Education Seminar Christian Religion2
Catholic Religious Education Seminar2
Hindu Religious Education Seminar2
Education Seminar on Buddhism2
Work Lecture real2
Practical Biochemistry2
Structure Determination of Organic Compounds2
Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds2
Polymer Chemistry2
Chemical Research Methodology2
MK Academic Concentration Options
1. Environmental chemistry:
Environmental Chemical Analysis2
Waste Treatment Process2
Practical Environmental Analysis2
an Environmental Toxicology2
Analysis of the impact of environments2
Chemistry Seminar2
2. Food chemical concentration:
Chemical Materials Food2
Chemical Process Practicum foodstuffs2
Food Technology2
Practical Food Technology2
Nutrition and Health2
Chemistry Seminar2
3. Concentration of Chemical Material:
Introduction to Chemical Materials3
Characterization of Solids2
Practical characterization Solid substances2
Solid State Chemistry3
Chemistry Seminar2
4. Concentrations of Biological Chemistry:
The structural determination of natural materials2
Engineering Research Biochemicals2
Advanced Biochemistry2
Essential Oil Chemistry2
Chemistry Seminar2
Regulation of Food2
Systems and Design
- Waste Treatment Plant

Capita selekta Chemical Materials2
Capita Selecta Biological Chemistry2

4. S1 Psychology

Graduate Degree : S.Psi.
Prospectus of S1 Psychology
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Psychology
S1 Psychology graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, ability and skills to examine the phenomenon of human behavior from the perspective of psychology and observing; design the questionnaire study and analyze and interpret research data; designing training programs; prepare guidelines are structured observations and interviews, as well as conducting interviews; identify several tests psikodiagnostik and usefulness, mengadministrasikannya, and interpret, identify and analyze non-clinical issues, as well as counseling; identify business opportunities.

S1 Psychology graduates have the knowledge, ethics, ability and skill to grow the methodological competencies include knowledge of statistics, knowledge of scientific research methods and knowledge of psychometric methods; has the attention and concern for human pluralism and society; has a broad knowledge base and to include aspects of social science and natural science aspects of psychology; having the experience and the opportunity to perform practical applications by integrating research, theory and practice both in laboratory situations and in real-life situations; having effective communication skills; has a sensitivity to ethical issues, and so on.

Basic competence Bachelor of Psychology is to have quality and intellectual integrity; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know how and can continually learn; in addressing each issue, capable reveal the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology; able to apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in the field of psychology; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; may use the concept of -concept to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and in an effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to make effective use of resources no power; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of psychology, able to follow new developments in the field of psychology, conducting research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

S1 Psychology graduates have sufficient knowledge of psychology and its development in theory and practical so as to contribute their knowledge professionally in the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, General Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology, Child Psychology, Adolescent, Adult and Family, Educational Psychology, Social Psychology , Cultural Environment, Clinical Psychology, Research Methodology and Research Psychology (Experimental Psychology), psikodiagnostik, Social Sciences, Science, physiology / Biology, Statistics, etc.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Psychology
Bachelor of Psychology can work and career as a entreprenuer (entrepreneur), academics or a career in government or private agencies (national and international) as professional managers and experts in the fields of management and human resource development (human resource, human resource), such as selection / employee recruitment / personnel, training and human resource development, career guidance, etc. in government enterprises, state-owned enterprises (BUMN), Banks, Insurance, NGO's (LSM), Hospitals, Industry, etc.

Entrepreneurship in the field of employment services consultant psychologist, by setting up its own educational psychology consulting services, conduct business, health, social behavior, advertising and entertainment media relations, trainer, counselor, etc.

S1 Psychology Courses
* = Concentration / Specificity / Options Courses
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Courses SKS
Job Analysis *2
Talent Assessment Interests *2
Assessment of Psychological Disorders *2
Assessment of giftedness *2
Intelligence Assessment *2
Personality Assessment *3
Development Assessment *3
Assessment of Human Resources *2
English I2
English II2
English III *2
English IV *2
Biopsychology *3
Basics Intervention *3
Basics Counseling3
Psychological Measurement Fundamentals *2
Design and Engineering Training *3
Early Detection and Stimulation *3
Phenomenology *3
General Philosophy3
History of Psychology *2
Industrial Relations *3
Education *3
Social and Cultural Studies Association2
Intervention Group *3
Community Intervention *3
Interview *3
PIO Issues *3
Issues Clinical Psychology *3
Issues Educational Psychology *3
The issue of Developmental Psychology *3
Issues Social Psychology *3
Mental Health *3
Learning Difficulties3
Entrepreneurship and Innovation *3
Code of Psychology2
Cognitive and Emotional *3
Career Counselling *2
Special Case of Counseling *2
Family Counseling *2
Construction Measurement Psychology *4
Construction Test *3
Criminology *2
Field Work3
Learning Method3
Psychology Research Methodology *3
Advanced Psychological Research Methodology *3
Behavior Modification *3
Observation and Interview4
Training and Development *3
Handling Individuals with Special Needs *2
Religious Education4
Courses SKS
Citizenship Education2
Pancasila Education2
Introduction to Family and Marriage Counseling *3
Creativity Development *2
Scale Preparation of Psychology3
Consumer Behavior *2
Industrial and Organizational Psychology I3
Industrial and Organizational Psychology II *3
Management Principles3
Abnormal Psychology3
Psychology Learning *3
Psychology with Special Needs *3
Playing Psychology *2
Psychology in Islamic Perspective I *2
Psychology in Islamic Perspective II *2
Economic Psychology *2
Experimental Psychology3
Psychology Emotions *3
Faal Psychology4
Psychology Gender *3
Psychology Group3
Personality Psychology I3
Personality Psychology II2
Occupational Psychology *2
Clinical Psychology3
Cognitive Psychology *3
Psychology Communication *2
Counseling Psychology *3
Environmental Psychology2
Cross-Cultural Psychology3
Educational Psychology3
Psychology Child Development3
Adult Developmental Psychology3
Pathology Developmental Psychology of Children *3
Adolescent Psychology Developmental Pathology *3
Adolescent Developmental Psychology3
Positive Psychology *2
Projective Psychology *3
Social Psychology I3
Social Psychology II3
General Psychology4
Psychopathology *3
Psychotherapy *2
Recruitment and Selection *3
System Benefits *3
Statistics and Probability3
Talent Test *3
Intelligence Tests *3
Non Projective Personality Tests *3
Projective Personality Tests *3

5. S1 Legal studies

Graduate Degree : S.H.
Prospectus of S1 Law/Legal Studies
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Law/Legal Studies
Legal Studies Program graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, and the ability to master and understand both theoretically, concepts and proficient or skilled in the application of science (practice) of law in society; develop a critical attitude and skilled; develop studies critical legal discipline; develop humane character; temperament always siding with the values / norms which the human conscience alignments that tend to truth, justice and human rights; master the skills and legal skills (professional) as well as the ability to build integrity; develop attitudes active against sensitive and social issues surrounding community, which is based on human values are universal; understand the human rights of individuals and groups; favor of the values of justice, honesty and truth.

Legal Studies Program graduates have the knowledge, ethics, ability and skills to analyze legal issues and finding solutions to these problems in the community, including providing documents needed to assist people dealing with cases, both outside and inside the court; analyzing legal issues existing and seek solutions to these problems in society by digging, follow and understand the values of law and justice that lives within the community; understand the regulation of land, banking and capital markets, as well as to map the problems in the field of land and banking, including capital markets; menganalisisi International law existing problems and find solutions to these problems in a national and international scope to follow and understand the legal values and a sense of universal justice in the global community, as well as managing the legal documents.

Basic competencies of Bachelor of Laws is have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know-how and can continue continuous learning; in dealing with each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of law; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize aid them; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of law, able to follow new developments in the field of law, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

Legal Studies Program graduates are trained to be a Law graduate noble, independent, full of confidence that is useful to society and the state, with the spirit of professionalism in the field of law; master the Indonesian law and the scientific basis for developing basic work skills and legal knowledge of law; sensitive to issues of justice and social issues as well as be able menganlisis legal issues in the community, able to use his knowledge as a means to solve social problems wisely and based on principles of justice and law.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Law/Legal Studies
Bachelor of Law can work and a career as a legal officer in various industries such as banking and finance industry, legal practitioners (lawyers, notaries and land deed officials, legal counsel); law enforcement officials (judges, prosecutors, police), academics, diplomats and analysts law.

Career / work in government and private institutions as judges, prosecutors, lawyers, Clerk, Notary, Legal Counsel, Legal Analyst-Banking Economics, Personnel Management, Land Deed Official, researchers, journalists, politicians, NGOs, Lecturer / Lecturer in Educational Institutions, etc.

Set up their own services Legal Consultant / Advocate, Notary, Legal Analyst, etc.

S1 Law/Legal Studies
* = Concentration / Specificity / Options Courses
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Courses SKS
Commercial Court Event *2
Trade Alternative Dispute Resolution *2
Environmental Impact Assessment *2
Legal Anthropology *2
Trade Arbitration *2
General Principles of Good Governance *2
Legal Aspects of Civil Health *2
civil aspect Consumer Protection Law *2
Health Aspects of Criminal Law *2
English I2
English II2
English III *2
English IV *2
Bakumutu Environment *2
Class Action in Environmental Disputes *2
Decentralization and Local Autonomy *2
Ethics and Professional Responsibility Law2
Legal Philosophy2
Philosophy of Islamic Law *2
Land Rights *2
Human Rights In Islam *2
IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) *2
The Field of Human Rights Land *2
Abolishment of Engagement *1
Hkum and Security Sector *2
Legislative and Executive Relations *2
Proceedings *2
Administrative Appeals Procedure *2
Labour Dispute Settlement Procedure *2
Religious Court Proceedings2
Proceedings of Juvenile Justice *2
Human Rights Court Proceedings *2
Military Justice Proceedings *2
Proceedings State Administrative Court2
Civil Procedure3
Tax Procedure Law2
Criminal Procedure3
Customary Law2
Finance Administrative Law *2
Administrative Law4
Law Advokatur *2
Agrarian Law2
Agrarian Law Comparison *2
State Budget Law *2
International Space Law *2
Interagency Law Governing Authority *2
Antitrust & Competition Law Cheaters *2
International Arbitration Law *2
Insurance Law *2
Insurance Law Islamic (Takaful) *2
Law Building *2
Trade Law3
International Trade Law *2
Law and Human Rights2
Law and Politics *2
Law and Technology2
Customary Law Glare *2
Diplomatic Law *2
International Economic Law *2
Extradition Law *2
Forensic Law *2
International Human Rights Law *2
Treasure Law Marriage *1
International Humanitarian Law *2
International Law3
International Law Islam *2
Investment Law *2
International Investment Law *2
Islamic Law2
Islamic Law on Women (Fiqhunnisa) *2
Insurance Law Material *2
Individual Insurance Law *2
Law Public Policy *2
Forest Law *2
Customary Law of Kinship *2
Treaty Law and Indigenous Kinship3
State Institutional Law *2
Family Law *2
Family Law and Wealth3
State Laws and Legislation4
Bankruptcy Law *2
Law of Tourism *2
Law of Population *2
Health Law (Administrative Aspects) *2
Environmental Health Law *2
Citizenship Law *2
Constitutional Law *2
Contract Law *2
International Law of the Sea *2
Financing Institutions Law *2
Environmental Law2
Environmental Law Administration *2
Civil Environmental Law *2
Law International Organization2
Tax Law2
International Tax Law *2
Special Tax Law *2
Central and Local Tax Law *2
Capital Market Law *2
Legal Tender *2
Law of Evidence *2
Governing Law Area *2
Elections and Political Parties Law *2
Human Rights Law Enforcement *2
Transportation Law *2
Administrative Supervision Law3
Dispute Resolution Law Marriage *2
Foreclosure Law and Execution *2
Law International Justice *2
Commercial Court Law *2
Water Law *2
Inland Waterway Law *2
Laws of War *2
Banking Law *2
Islamic Banking Law *2
Governing Law Deeds *2
Labor Laws2
Courses SKS
Special Labour Law *2
Civil Law4
Private International Law *2
Licensing Law *2
Islamic Law of Treaties *2
Marriage Law and the Wealth *2
Marriage and Inheritance Law of Islam3
Law Child Protection *2
Protection Law for the People *2
Protection and Enforcement of Environmental Law3
Consumer Protection Law *2
Commerce Law International3
Law Press *2
Company Law *2
Mining Law *2
Land Law *2
Agriculture Law *2
Housing Law *2
Customary Law Debt *2
Coastal Law *2
Criminal Law4
International Criminal Law *2
Special Criminal Law4
Environmental Criminal Law *2
Military Criminal Law *2
Criminal Tax *2
Criminal Law Press *2
Space Law *2
Space Law and Space Caverns *2
Law Natural Resources3
Securities Law Securities *2
Customary Land Law *2
Dependents Law on Land *2
Law Land Use *2
Constitutional Law4
Indigenous Constitutional Law *2
Islamic Constitutional Law (Siyasah) *2
Spatial Law *2
Legal Use of Force (War) *2
Customary Law of Transactions *2
Transboundary Pollution Law *2
Law Treaty *2
International Air Law *2
Waqf Laws and shodaqoh *2
Customary Inheritance Law *2
Comparative Islamic Inheritance Law *2
Because Law Inheritance Law *2
Because Law Inheritance Wills *2
Wasiyat Law and Grants *2
Zakat Law *2
State Science2
International Trade Institutions *2
International Negotiation *2
Judicial Review *2
Capita Selecta Environmental Law *2
Judicial Power *2
Disclosure of Tax Legislation *2
Trade Contracts *2
Criminology *2
land reform *2
Legal Drafting *2
Standing Legal Environment *2
Presidential Institution *2
Litigation and Non - Litigation *2
Legal Research and Writing Methods2
State Law *2
Correctional *2
Making Beschikking *2
Land Registration *2
Religious Education2
Pancasila Education2
Enforcement Administration *2
Legal discovery *2
Land Acquisition and Resettlement *2
Introduction to Law of Indonesia4
Introduction to Law4
Penologi *2
International Dispute Resolution *2
Design Legislation *2
Treaty Design *2
Comparison HTN *2
Comparative Administrative Law *2
Comparative Private Law *2
Comparative Criminal Law *2
Comparison of Judicial Administration *2
Comparative Legal System Not Written and Written *2
Unlawful Acts *2
Government Actions *2
Permitting *2
Born Engagement Agreement *2
Born Engagement Act *2
Employment Agreement *2
Special Agreement *2
Standard Agreement *2
Named not Agreement *2
Issues of Contemporary Islamic Law *2
Dispute Resolution Options *2
International Dispute Resolution Options *2
Choice Environmental Dispute Resolution (ADR Environment) *2
Criminal Politics *2
International Politics *2
Political Taxation *2
Arbitration Practice *2
Practice in International Courts *2
Humanitarian Law Practice *2
Practice Lawyer *2
Psychology Law *2
Agrarian Conflict Resolution *2
Sales Contract *2
Indigenous History *2
Justice System Administration *2
Tax Justice System *2
Criminal Justice System *2
Sociology of Law2
Final Project (Thesis / Writing Law)4
Victimology *2

6. S1 Communication Studies

Graduate Degree : S.I.K. or S.I.Kom. or S.K. or S.Sos.
Prospectus of S1 Communication Studies, Advertising,
Public Relations (PR), Broadcasting, Journalism
Communications world is growing very rapidly with the globalization and development of information technology. This positive impact on workforce needs in the field of science communication is very high, especially bachelor of science communication.

Communication is a process of a person or persons, groups, organizations, and communities create, and use information in order to connect with the environment and other people.
Simply put, communication can be defined as a business man to give / receive information between them.

Communication science is the study of an observation of the production, process and impact of these systems through the development of signs and symbols which theories can be tested and generalized in order to explain the phenomena associated with the production, process and impact of sign systems and symbol the.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Communication Studies
Communication Studies of P2K University of Sari Mutiara Indonesia Medan Program graduates equipped with skills, skills, ethics, and knowledge of basic concepts, theories of science communication and media studies, is able to provide critical analysis, creative media mastering application, managerial skills and methodologies so that they can understand and explain the problems in society and be able to formulate an alternative solution from the perspective of communication and media studies; has the ability to identify, analyze critically and synthesize the phenomenon of communication and media in society; has the ability to manage marketing campaigns, public relations, social and political effective by basing on modern management principles measurable and accountable.

Basic competence Bachelor of Communication Studies of P2K University of Sari Mutiara Indonesia Medan is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know how and can continue constantly learning; handling each problem, was able to uncover the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology can apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in the field of science communication, public relations, and advertising; can solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with the experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units stub entrepreneur in the field of science communication and / or public relations and / or advertising, able to follow new developments in the field of science communication, public relations, and advertising, conducting research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

Bachelor of Communication Studies of P2K University of Sari Mutiara Indonesia Medan has the competence to apply the concepts, theories, methodologies, communication science and media studies as well as developing strategic managerial skills as well as creative media for the sake of development, policy development and community empowerment; has the ability to conduct research in the field of mass communication in general, the field of media regulation policy special and capable of generating media regulatory policy both internally and externally in line with the interests of social, economic, political, cultural force.

For specialization / concentration Public Relations (PR):
In addition to competencies such as the above description, Communication Studies Graduates are also equipped with the knowledge, skills, professional ethics, and skills to create a better public understanding so as to deepen the public's trust in an individual or organization, provide information, educate, persuade, gain sympathy, and arouse public interest in something or make people understand and accept a situation; bring individuals and organizations become popular, rapidly growing, solid, and has the support; internal organization became the center of an organization's information so as to mendinamisasi, motivator and creates a conducive organizational climate accordance with the demands of the times; externally organization became manager of communications in the face of the press and the public, and create programs in taking deliberate and planned action in its efforts to maintain, create, and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its people. Also has the ability to do the planning and analysis of the problem-oriented public relations communications to customer relation management; capable of being a reliable professionals in the field of marketing and public relations in the public communications media and multimedia

For specialization / concentration Advertising:
In addition to competencies such as the above description, Communication Studies Graduates are also equipped with the knowledge, skills, professional ethics, and the skills to implement creative strategies of advertising and marketing strategies; designing illustrations, sketches and advertising topography; using computers to make visual communication design, graphic design and animated advertising; using and understanding the electronic camera techniques, perform recording and editing, making advertising photography, producing print and electronic advertising, making copywriting, visualization and story board, and then process them into a promotional tool in the form of print ads, television, radio, brochures, posters, flyers, billboards, etc.

For specialization / concentration Broadcasting:
In addition to competencies such as the above description, Communication Studies Graduates are also equipped with the knowledge, skills, professional ethics, and the skills to communicate a copyright work to the public and information are packaged in the form of broadcast; has a marketing communication skills, and be able to make the advertising strategy effective in media publications; able to prepare a work plan that based broadcasting institutions editorial rules kepenyiaran; able to process the news material, and present it in the print and electronic media; has qualified as a professional practitioner in the field of sound kepenyiaran pragmatic, entrepreneurial, innovative attitude, creative, productive and analytical ability.

For specialization / concentration of Journalism:
In addition to competencies such as the above description, Communication Studies Graduates are also equipped with the knowledge, skills, professional ethics, and skills to gather news, find the facts and report the incident through the collection, writing, interpretation, processing, and dissemination of information, opinions observers systematically and can be trusted to published and published in newspapers, magazines, and other mass media; has the ability to make interpretations and give an opinion based on news content, as well as provided with the understanding that in journalism there must always be an element of freshness time (timeliness or actuality).
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Communication Studies
Bachelor of Communication Studies of P2K University of Sari Mutiara Indonesia Medan and a career can work in all types of companies (local, national / regional, and multinational), all government and non-government agencies, including NGOs / LSM, State Owned Enterprises (SOEs / BUMN), all departments, financial institutions, public service institutions (private and government), broadcast media, advertising media, broadcasters, film, home production (production house), the print media industry (newspapers, tabloids, magazines), electronic media (TV, radio, internet) as professionals, practitioners and PR consultant, advertising consultant, consultant broadcasting, journalism consultant, as a media planner, account executive, art / creative director, copywriter, presenter, television broadcaster, radio broadcaster, producer, professional master of ceremonies, MC Professional, journalists, reporters, journalists, researchers, DPR / DPRD, academics / lecturers, leaders / managers, observers of public communication, political communication analysts, media analysts, governments and observers issues and phenomena that occur in public communication, correspondent, observer government public relations, and so on.

A lecturer / lecturer / researcher in the field of science communication PTN / PTS or centers of education and training (Pusdiklat), or research-institute in Research, Ratings, Survey Institute.

Self-employed (Entreprenuer) with established advertising agencies, media companies, broadcasters, advertising media, broadcast media, print media (newspapers, tabloids, magazines, electronic media (TV, radio, internet), public relations consultants, advertising consultants, consultants broadcasting, journalism consultants, etc.

S1 Communication Studies
(Public Relations (PR), Journalism, Advertising)
* = Concentration / Specificity / Options Courses
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Courses SKS
Advertising Visual *3
Computer Applications (Information Technology) *3
Management Principles3
Indonesian Profession2
English I2
English II2
English III *2
English IV *2
Fundamentals Photography3
Fundamentals of Public Relations (Public Relations / Public Relations / PR)3
basics Journalism3
Basics Audio Visual Communication3
Logic Basics3
Advertising Fundamentals3
Basics Shooting and Editing3
Graphic Design *3
Professional Ethics2
Advertising Program Evaluation *3
Philosophy of Science Communication3
Journalism * Photography3
Advertising Law and Regulation *2
Mass Media Law *3
Cultural Studies Association2
Journalism *3
Journalism Print Media *3
Media Broadcast Journalism *3
Capita Selecta Communication2
Computer Graphics *3
Interpersonal Communication *3
Communication in Organizations *3
Communications and Strategy Da'wah *3
International Communication *3
Social Communication Cross3
Mass Communication3
Organizational Communication *3
Communications Tourism *3
Marketing Communications *3
Communication Social Development3
Communication Counseling *3
Political Communication2
Visual Communication *2
Cross-Cultural Community *3
Field Work4
Relations Management *3
Mass Media Management *3
Advertising Management *3
Management Radio and TV *3
Media and Society *3
Feature and Editorial Writing *3
Communication Research Methods3
Social Research Methods3
Multimedia Communications *3
Courses SKS
Social Marketing *3
General Revenue2
Religious Education2
Citizenship Education2
Introduction to Anthropology3
Introduction to Law and SHI *3
Introduction to Communication Studies3
Introduction to Political Science3
Introduction to Social Psychology *3
Introduction to Sociology3
Introduction to Social Statistics3
Introduction to Advertising3
Screenwriting Audio Visual *3
Communications Development Planning *3
Planning Creative Advertising *3
Advertising Media Planning *3
Consumer Behavior *2
Development Communication Technology3
Political Marketing *3
Practice of Public Relations / PR I3
Practice of Public Relations / PR II *3
Practice of Public Relations / PR III *3
Journalism Practice I3
Journalism Practice II *3
Journalism Practice III *3
Audio Visual Communication Practice I3
Audio Visual Communications Practice II *3
Audio Visual Communications Practice III *3
Practice Advertising / Advertising I3
Practice Advertising / Advertising II *3
Practice Advertising / Advertising III *3
Television Production *3
Propaganda *3
Psychology of Communication3
Social Psychology *3
Public Speaking *3
Publicity *3
Indonesian Economic System3
Indonesian Legal System3
Indonesian Communication Systems3
Indonesian Political System3
Indonesian Cultural Social System3
Social Marketing *3
Sociology of Communication3
Social Statistics3
Advanced Social Statistics *3
Product Marketing Strategy *2
Engineering - Engineering Public Relations *3
Lobby and Negotiation Techniques *2
Technique Finding and Writing News *3
Scientific Writing Techniques *3
Communication Theory3

7. S1 Library Science

Graduate Degree :

8. S1 primary teacher education

Graduate Degree : S.Pd.
Prospectus of S1 Elementary School Teacher (PGSD)
Competency S1 Elementary School Teacher (PGSD)
Curriculum Studies Program S-1 PGSD expected to print a graduate profile that has the following capabilities:
  • Devoted and faithful to God Almighty, and mengaktuali-sasikan humanity and nationality.
  • Know the depth of primary school students about to be served.
  • Mastering science subjects source of teaching materials in elementary school.
  • Conducting educational learning.
  • Developing professional capabilities in a sustainable manner.
  • Responsible and ethical professional educator.
  • Participate in a multidisciplinary team.
  • Providing insight to the public about the importance of education.


a.Ability to devoted and faithful to God Almighty,
__and mengaktuasisasikan humanity and nationality.
  • Faithful and devoted to God Almighty
  • Obey in worship
  • uphold the moral and religious ethics in carrying out the task
  • Has humanity and sense of nationhood adequate.

b. Know deeply elementary learners who want to be served.
  • Getting to know students as individuals deferences
  • Provide treatment to students according to ability

c. Mastering the source material science subjects in primary school teaching.
  • Substance and methodology of science (disciplinary content knowledge)
  • Packaging materials science be taught in elementary school curriculum (pedagogical content knowledge)

d. Conducting educational learning.
  • The design of the learning program based on a series of situational decision
  • The implementation of learning programs including adjustment while sidewalk (mid-course adjustments) based on an on-going connection with transactional desicians unique reaction (ideosyncratic response) of the learner to teacher actions.
  • Accessing the process and outcomes of learning
  • Using the results of the assessment process and learning outcomes in order to improve the management of learning on an ongoing basis which refers to the achievement of the goals of education as a normative reference.

e. Responsibility and professional ethics educators.
  • Understand and implement professional ethics educators
  • Responsible for the professional educator


a. Develop professional capabilities in a sustainable manner.
  • Able to conduct research oriented pro-ses increase learning
  • Being able to improve the profession itself through scientific research and seminars

b. Provide insight to the public about the urgency of basic education.
  • Can provide effective information to the public about basic education
  • Ability to generate interest in the community to care for basic education.


Participate in a multidisciplinary team.a. Able to adapt and apply the knowledge in multi-disciplinaryb. Have a high spirit of togetherness.
Profile, Professional and Career Graduates S1 Elementary School Teacher Education

Profile Graduate Studies Program PGSD

  • Graduates of the fear of God Almighty and the personality shown by the behavior of elementary school teachers that promotes the values of discipline, wise, prudent, living healthy and fit.
  • Graduates are able to design, implement and assess the learning process in elementary school that refers to the achievement of learning objectives both aspects of cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
  • Graduates who master the learning materials, learning methodologies and can design an interactive learning media in accordance with the characteristics of the concrete operational learning in primary school.
  • Graduates of the master of science in order to apply didactic educational-methodical in developing learners at the elementary school level.
  • Graduates are able to develop their field through action research-based education in accordance with the needs and the development of science and technology, global perspective, creative, and innovative.
  • Graduates are able to communicate empathic and entrepreneurial spirit as well as meet the needs of the community at the elementary level.

Graduate profile above refers to the Class Teacher Competency Standards (SKGK) SD / MI issued by the Directorate General of Higher Education.

Professions and Career Graduates
Worked as a primary school teacher who is able to design and implement learning in primary schools to enable students with meaningful activities to achieve the learning objectives in SD which includes mastery of the five basic subjects (Indonesian, Mathematics, Civics, Social Sciences, and Science natural and able to develop other supporting subjects.

S1 Elementary School Teacher Education
* = Special Electives
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Guidance and Counseling2
Basic and Curriculum Development2
Ethics and Professional Education2
Evaluation of Learning2
Geometry and Measurement2
Basic Natural Sciences (IAD)3
Science Education2
Social Sciences Culture Association (ISBD)3
Learning innovation2
Education innovation2
Curriculum Studies and Literature Indonesia2
Civics Curriculum Studies2
Ability Barbahasa and compose2
Educational leadership be2
Basic Concepts IPA3
Basic Concepts IPS3
Basic Concept of Civics3
Education foundation2
Classroom management2
Education management2
Learning Media and ICT3
Micro Teaching2
learning Arithmetic2
Learning Language & Literature Indonesia2
Learning Geometry and Measurement3
Learning Math Problem Solving2
Integrated learning2
Child Education Special Berkutuhan2
Exceptional Child Education2
Science Education2
IPS Education2
Physical Education and Health Child 2
Regional Cultural Education 2
Scouting Education2
Citizenship Education3
Musical Arts Education2
Arts Education and Skills2
Dance and Drama art education2
Education research2
Classroom Action Research2
Basic Introduction to Mathematics3
Development of Basic Concepts IPA3
IPS Learning Development2
Development Pendidikian IPA2
Scientific Writing2
planning Learning2
Students Developments2
Educational Psychology2
Developmental Psychology2
General Psychology2
Real Teaching (PPL)4
Teaching and Learning Strategies2
Islamic Studies I2
Islamic Studies II2
Islamic Studies III2
Final Thesis4
Mathematics options:
Development of Teaching Materials of Mathematics *2
Work Shop Learning Mathematics *2
Option IPA (Biology):
Development of Teaching Material Science *2
Learning Innovation IPA *2
Bhs choice. Indonesia:
Development of Teaching Materials Bhs. Indonesia *2
Learning Management Bhs. Indonesia *2
Bhs choice. English:
English for Young leaners *2
Teaching English for Young leaners *2
IPS options:
Human Resource Development *2
IPS Learning Development2
Civics options:
Civics Teaching Materials Development *2
Work Shop Learning Civics *2

9. S1 Early childhood education programs

Graduate Degree : S.Pd.
Prospectus of S1 PAUD/ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education)
Competencies of Graduates of S1 PAUD/ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education)
S1 graduate PAUD / ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education) equipped with the knowledge, professional ethics, sensitivity, skills and abilities as an PAUD / ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education) standards that meet core competencies, distinctive competencies, and general competence as follows.


1. Have a basic philosophy of science education
  • Understand the basic concepts of education from various experts.
  • Understand the basic concepts PAUD / ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education).
  • Understanding the history of PAUD / ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education).
  • Understand the principles and objectives of PAUD / ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education).

2. Have an understanding of the development of Early Childhood
  • Understand the characteristics, principles, aspects, stages, legal and Early Childhood development tasks.
  • Understanding the different kinds of problems and issues Early Childhood handling techniques.
  • Understanding the different types of learning disabilities (learning disability) and giftedness in Early Childhood.
  • Assess Early Childhood problems.
  • Understanding health and nutrition for Early Childhood.
  • Understanding the process of pre-conception to the child care strategy for the optimal development of children's potential.
  • Understanding Early Childhood education in the family.

3. Have an understanding of Early Childhood Education and learning
  • Understand various learning theories and instructional strategies Early Childhood.
  • Able to develop creative media in learning
  • Early Childhood Conduct needs analysis to develop a differentiated curriculum in Early Childhood.

4. Have a Scientific Knowledge of Early Childhood
  • Have an understanding of law and the protection of children.
  • Have an understanding of the implications of neuroscience for Early Childhood Learning.
  • Having an understanding of the socio-anthropological study Early Childhood.
  • Understand the concept of playing for Early Childhood

5. Mastering the teaching materials for Early Childhood
  • Mastering concepts and mathematical development for Early Childhood.
  • Mastering the concept and development of science and technology Early Childhood.
  • Mastering the concept and development of the social sciences for Early Childhood.
  • Mastering the concepts and language development for Early Childhood.
  • Mastering the concept and development art for Early Childhood.
  • Mastering the concepts and motor development for Early Childhood (fine motor and gross motor).
  • Mastering the concept and development of Early Childhood behavior.

6. Able to manage learning activities Early Childhood
  • Mastering Early Childhood curriculum.
  • Designing and using a variety of media Early Childhood.
  • Early Childhood Develop lesson planning.
  • Designing and developing various forms of evaluation instruments Early Childhood development.
  • Mastering the management of the Early Childhood Learning.

7. Mastering the Management of early childhood institutions
  • Able to understand the concept of Leadership.
  • Aable to identify the needs of HR in early childhood institutions.
  • Able to organize Equipment needs in early childhood institutions.
  • Able to make financial planning in early childhood institutions.
  • Able to perform supervision and monitoring in early childhood institutions.
  • Capable Program Evaluation of early childhood institutions.
  • Understand the concept of Entrepreneurship.
  • Understanding the marketing concept is simple.

8. Able to conduct research on PAUD / ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education)
  • Able to understand the different models in a simple research.
  • Able to conduct action research.

9. Supporting Capabilities
  • Able to work with the community of Early Childhood
  • Understanding the cultural background of the family and society
  • Develop partnership with parents, community organizers and other early education programs.
  • Participating in community life locally, nationally and internationally.
  • Having insight into the socio-cultural.
  • Insight science and technology.


Early Childhood Teacher Education graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, sensitivity, skills and abilities as:

1. Professional educators in the field of Early Childhood Education
  • Mastering the basics of scientific disciplines in the field of Early Childhood Education so as to identify, understand, explain, evaluate / critically analyze and formulate solutions may exist in the field of Early Childhood Education
  • Have the ability to develop theories of teaching and learning, evaluating learning outcomes, and planning Early Childhood Education.
  • proficiency in Indonesia is good, true, and polite in spoken language and writing as a Professional Educator, as well as everyday life.
  • Have the ability to manage and develop the profession of community life.
  • Having the ability to use information technology to manage and develop the skills of the students.

2. Researchers in the field of Early Childhood Education
  • Have the ability to develop behavior with regard to education and life education activities based on basic science education, especially professional ethics, the field of educational research, and educational organizations.
  • Having the ability to follow the development of science and technology in the field of Early Childhood Education.
  • Having the ability to improve the understanding of a foreign language text, particularly English, for academic purposes and Early Childhood teacher professional or researcher PAUD / ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education).
  • Have the ability to communicate orally and in writing in English especially in the field of Early Childhood Education
  • Having the ability to use information technology to research in the field of Early Childhood Education.

3. Entrepreneur and Organizer Educational Institutions, Bureau Tutoring and Private Lessons.
  • Have the ability to establish, manage, and develop business in the field of Early Childhood Teacher Training in a creative and appropriate development of education.
  • Having the ability to use information technology to manage and develop its services.

4. Consultants in Data Management Research
  • Having the ability to think critically and logically, and to understand the qualitative and quantitative methods are needed to manage research data.
  • Having the ability to use information technology to manage research data.


General competence Bachelor of Early Childhood Education is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and be constantly learning; handling each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of Early Childhood Education; can solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with the experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start the pilot establishment of entrepreneurship units in Early Childhood Education field, able to follow new developments in the field of Early Childhood Education, conduct research, or study program at the level further.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 PAUD/ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education)
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education can work and a career in research institutions, educational institutions (schools, universities (state and private universities)), as well as in various government agencies or private (national and multinational) as a Professional Educator in the field of Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Research Education, Leader / Manager Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Education Consultant, etc..

Being Entreprenuer (entrepreneurs) are insightful information and communication technology, with the setting up of business services in the areas of education such as Early Childhood Education Institute, Tutoring Early Childhood, Early Childhood Playground, Early Childhood Teacher Training Institute, or set up business consulting services in the field of Early Childhood Education.

S1 ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education)
* = Special Electives / General Options
SKS = Semester Credit Units

ECD Policy Analysis *2
Early Childhood Needs Analysis4
Computer Applications and Information Technology2
English I2
English II *2
English III *2
English IV *2
Learning and Teaching4
Play and Learn Early Childhood *2
Games Children Play and Techniques2
Early Childhood Guidance *2
Guidance and Counseling2
Music Basics *2
Early Detection Child giftedness and Development *2
Diagnosis in Early Childhood Troubled Kids2
Evaluation of Early Childhood Learning3
Health Nutrition and Early Childhood *2
Basic Natural Science2
Education *2
Education Innovation *2
Studies and Observations ECD *2
Child Health and Nutrition2
School Health in Preschool *2
Skills in Preschool craft *2
Communications and Information Technology *2
Basic Concepts of early childhood2
Field Work4
Life Skill *2
Implementation Management early childhood2
Media and Learning Resources Early Childhood *2
Drawing / Painting Basics *2
Methodology Early Childhood Learning English *2
Educational Research Methodology *2
Religion and Affective Development Methodology3
Methodology Early Childhood Language Development3
Intellectual Development Methodology *3
Life Skills Development Methodology *2
Cognitive Development Methodology *2
Moral Development Methodology, Religion and Discipline3
Methodology of Motor Development Fine3
of Motor Development Methodology Rough3
Music and Dance Development Methodology *3
Social Development Methodology emotions *2
Methodology Introduction to Social Science in Early Childhood *2
Methodology Introduction to Early Childhood Mathematics *2
Introduction Methodology of Science in Early Childhood *2
Micro Teaching *3
Micro Teaching in English *2
Learning Model AUD *2
Behavior Modification (Conduct) Children2
Music and Dance *4
Sports Early Childhood2
Non Formal early childhood education *2
Learning Drawing / Painting at the Preschool *2
Learning Music in Early Childhood *2
Thematic Learning in Early Childhood *2
Community Empowerment *2
Gifted Child Development3
Toolmaking Games and Its Application *2
Religious Education3
Children Education in Family *2
Indonesian Education2
Inclusive Education *2
Pancasila and Citizenship Education3
art Education Music *2
Arts Education *2
Dance Education *2
Introduction to Educational2
Parenting *2
Motor of Ability Development Early Childhood *2
Creativity and Development Giftedness3
Moral Development and Early Childhood Discipline *2
Language Development in Early Childhood Learning *2
Logic Early Childhood Learning Development3
Development Mathematics Learning in Early Childhood *2
Social Development of Early Childhood Learning Knowledge3
Science Learning Early Childhood Development3
Development Early Childhood Program *2
Development Program Play Group *2
Social and Emotional Development Early Childhood *2
Changing Behavior *2
Planning Teaching Kindergarten3
Child Development I3
Child Development II3
Early Childhood Cognitive Development *2
Early Childhood Parenting3
Practice Traditional Children's Play and Games *2
Practice Integrated Field Experience I3
Practice Integrated Field Experience II3
Educational Profession3
Integrated Early Childhood Program2
Kindergarten Education Program, KB and TPA3
Baby Sitter Training Program3
Personality Psychology *2
Developmental Psychology of Children *2
Seminar early childhood2
Arts Early Childhood Skills3
Education Statistics2
Teaching and Learning Strategies *3
Learning Strategies and Management of early childhood3
Strategy Early Childhood Cognitive Development *2
Assessing Curriculum and Learning Materials Early Childhood *2

10. S1 Information System

Graduate Degree : S.S.I. or S.Kom. or S.T. or S.Si. or Ir.
Prospectus of S1 Information System
Information System together with Informatics Engineering, is the fastest growing field so there was a shift in the world of business, industry, and expansion raises employment opportunities in various sectors of the broad field of Information System include developing information systems, methods and tools (programming languages and database), management information systems and information systems engineering.

Study program of Information System implement, assess, and develop engineering science underlying information system. Toward the scholarly study of this course include discipline, processes, techniques and tools that are needed in the engineering information system which includes the planning, development, implementation and maintenance.

Information System are needed in many areas of the world of work, especially in the face of economic liberalization in the era of globalization can not be separated from the world infomrasi; need to be prepared so that the quality of human resources and is able to compete in every aspect, especially the field of information systems.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Information System
S1 Information System graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, abilities and skills to create a program in accordance with the business processes, designing and building a database system, conduct Web-based programming, based on the latest and most advanced programming languages, software engineering, multimedia systems, design and build object-based systems; identify the needs of the network in an organization, designing and building a corporate information system (enterprise information system), manage project information and communication technology, auditing information systems, e-business, a trouble shooter computer, etc.

S1 Information System graduates have the competence and expertise as System Analysis, System Designer, Systems Development Consultant, Database Administrator, Network Administrator, and so on.

General/basic competence Bachelor of Information System is to have quality and intellectual integrity; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and can continually learn; in deal with each problem, was able to uncover the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in the field of information systems; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help it is able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in information system, able to follow new developments in the field of information systems, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

S1 Information System graduates have the competence and expertise to provide integrated solutions in the field of E-Business, Corporate Information Systems, Information Management, Computerized Accounting; also capable of being a reliable information technology-based entrepreneurs; become qualified people who have a high intellectual, creative, innovative and sensitive to environmental phenomena that occur in the community; may provide information system solutions to the problems that exist in society, and so on.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Information System
Bachelor of Information System can work and a career in the field of corporate information systems, databases, networking, software, multimedia, e-business in various government agencies or private (national and multinational) such as state-owned enterprises (BUMN), IT / IS consultant, telecommunications, manufacturing, banking , insurance and other financial institutions, research institutions, corporate services (transport, tourism, hotel, etc.), networking companies, internet service providers, universities, etc.

Career / work as Systems Analysis, System Designer, Systems Development Consultant, Database Administrator, Network Administrator, Department of Information Systems Manager, Information Systems Development Project Manager, Expert / Instructor / Lecturer, etc.

Being techno with established consulting services in the field of information and communication technology systems, business and system analysis, programmer, etc.

S1 Information System
* = Concentration / Specificity / Options Courses
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Courses SKS
Basic Accounting2
Programming Algorithms & Data Structures4
Linear Algebra *3
Analysis & Design of Information Systems3
Object Oriented Design Analysis3
The E-Bussiness Analysis *3
Business Process Analysis *3
Computer Applications3
Information Systems Audit *3
English 12
English 22
English 3 *2
English 4 *2
Programming Languages *3
Basic Programming3
Data Warehouse and Data Minning *3
Special Database *3
E-Business *3
E-Commerce *3
Enterprise Information System *3
Enterprise Resource Planning *3
Professional Ethics2
Human Computer Interaction *3
IT-Advertasing + Practice *3
IT-Governance *3
Computer Network3
Information Systems Security *3
Entrepreneurship 12
Entrepreneurship 2 *2
Entrepreneurship 3 *2
Computers & Society2
Computer Graphics2
Computer Society *3
Inter Personal Communication *2
Portal & Content Management Concept *3
Concept Information Systems3
Concept Technology *2
Mathematical Logic *3
Project Management Information System3
Management Science *3
Database Transaction Management *3
General Management *3
Basic Math3
Courses SKS
Research Methodology Information Technology2
Mobile Programming *3
Multimedia & Animation *3
Database Application Programming *3
Object Oriented Programming *3
Programming Visual *3
Web Programming 1 *3
Web Programming 2 *3
Religious Education2
Citizenship Education2
Introduction to Accounting *3
Introduction to Management and Business *3
Introduction to Information Technology3
Information Systems Development *3
Business Knowledge *2
Database Design *3
Practical Algorithms & Programming1
Practical Object Oriented Design Analysis1
Practical Programming Language1
Practical Database1
Practicum Basic Programming1
Practical E-Commerce *1
Practical Computer Networks *1
Practical Project Management *1
Practical Project Management Information System1
Practical Programming Visual *1
Practical Web Programming *1
Practical Database Design *1
Practicum Operating System1
Practical Data Structure *1
Information Systems Development Project3
Software Engineering *3
Information Systems Engineering *3
Remote Sensing *3
Final Seminar1
Accounting System *3
Accounting Information Systems *3
Geographic Information Systems *3
Management Information Systems *3
Operating System3
Decision System *3
Statistics & Probability3
E-Business Strategies *2
Data Structure *3
Testing & Implementation of Information Systems3

11. S1 Public Health

Graduate Degree : S.K.M. or S.Kes.
Prospectus of S1 Public Health
Educational Objectives of Study Program S1 Public Health
  • Produced scholars in the field of public health who has the ability, skills that are reliable, and competent personality and noble the community needs, the state and the business community, especially in the field of Occupational Health and Safety (K3) and the Health Education and Behavioral Sciences (Health Promotion).
  • Generated new discovery or advance (creative and innovative) in the field of science and technology through a variety of public health research field trials with a scientific mindset.
  • Performed community service as a form of concern Prodi S1 Public Health in the field of public health by applying scientific principles.
  • raised cooperation with other institutions both vertically and horizontally and cooperative in order to develop study programs and personnel with the institution, especially with local governments, health agencies and the business community.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Public Health
S1 Public Health graduates equipped with the knowledge, professional ethics, sensitivity, skill and ability as a Bachelor of Public Health who meet the competency standards and common core competencies as follows.

Main Standard Competencies S1 Public Health Graduates
  • Being able to use the principles of solving health problems in the development of public health programs.
  • Able to carry out the management functions of public health efforts in accordance with the circumstances, conditions, urgency and local potentials.
  • Able to educate, train, promote and mobilize active community participation in health.
  • Able to coordinate, and negotiate partnerships in developing health-oriented development.
  • able to develop information systems, science and technology in the health sector.
  • Able to carry out the research and application of research results for the planning, engineering technology, implementation and evaluation of public health efforts.
  • Able to develop professionalism in line with the development of science and medical technology.

General competence Bachelor of Public Health is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and be constantly learning; handling each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of public health; can solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of public health, able to follow new developments in the field of public health, conducting research, or study program at a rate of more further.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Public Health
Bachelor of Public Health to work and a career as a public health experts, public health researcher, teacher / educator / instructor of public health, health consultants in Indonesia and Abroad (overseas), in government or private institutions (hospitals, health centers, polyclinic, Department / Centre or Regional health Service, National Narkortika Agency (BNN), health Insurance, BPS, BKKBN & P2KB, etc.), research institutions and development in health, State or private educational institution (State Universities / private Schools -schools, institutions Training / course, etc.), as well as in other institutions engaged in the prevention of health problems and environmental public services, food and nutrition industry, Governmental Organization (NGO), and so on.

Public Health graduates S1 can also be Entreprenuer (entrepreneurs) are insightful information and communication technology, with established businesses Healthcare Consulting Services independently or in collaboration with other institutions / companies.

S1 Public Health
* = Elective Courses
SKS = Semester Credit Units
T = Theory
P = Practice / Laboratory / Clinical / Field

Courses SKS T P
Institution Administration Health Care *22-
Administration Health Policy22-
Population Analysis *22-
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)22-
Environmental Health Risk Analysis *22-
Anatomy Physiology22-
Medical Anthropology *22-
Computers and Internet Applications for Public Health2-2
Psychosocial Aspects of Reproductive Health *22-
Health Insurance and Health Insurance Financing *22-
English I211
English II211
English III *211
English IV *211
Biostatistics Non Parametric *22-
Biostatistics Parametric *22-
Basic Administration Health Policy22-
Basic Epidemiology22-
Basic Nutritional Sciences *22-
Basic Environmental Health22-
Basis of Disease Eradication *22-
Dynamics Group *22-
Health Ecology *22-
Ecology of Food and Nutrition22-
Health Economics22-
Surveillance Epidemiology and Nutrition22-
Reproductive Health Epidemiology *22-
Communicable Disease Epidemiology22-
Epidemiology of Non Communicable Disease Control22-
Tropical Diseases Epidemiology *22-
Ergonomics Occupational Safety and Health22-
Professional Ethics and Health Law22-
Social Pharmacology22-
Philosophy of Public Health Sciences22-
Public Health Nutrition *22-
Hygiene and sanitation management Food and Beverage *22-
Hygienist Company22-
Public Health Sciences22-
Communication Studies *22-
General Internal Medicine *11-
Sociology and Cultural Studies Association22-
Outbreak Investigation *22-
Current Issues Public Health *22-
Population *22-
Health Disaster *22-
Occupational Health and Safety (K3)22-
Maternal and Child Health *22-
Environmental Health22-
Reproductive Health22-
Reproductive Health Seniors' *22-
Adolescent Reproductive Health *22-
Entrepreneurship in Health22-
Health Communication22-
Basic Concepts P2KM *11-
Courses SKS T P
Epidemiology Data Management22-
Financial Management *22-
Health Care Quality Management Efforts22-
Logistics Management *22-
Hospital Management and Health Center22-
Human Resource Management and Productivity *22-
Research Methodology22-
Organization and Management22-
Parasitology and Microbiology22-
Pathology *22-
Social Marketing *11-
Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV AIDS *22-
Pollution *11-
Religious Education22-
Public Health Education and Behavior22-
Pancasila and Citizenship Education22-
Determination of Nutritional Status *22-
Introduction to Biostatistics *22-
Introduction to Pharmacology *11-
Introduction to Public Health Nutrition22-
Introduction to Economics *22-
Introduction to Population *22-
Introduction to Public Health22-
Water Quality Monitoring *22-
waste management and waste *22-
Disease Vector Control *22-
Water Treatment *11-
Waste Treatment and Waste *22-
Organizing and Community Development11-
Tropical Diseases *22-
Regulation and Legislation and regulations Hiperkes22-
Planning and Evaluation P2KM11-
Program Planning and Evaluation of Public Health22-
Public Health Practice I2-2
Public Health Practice II2-2
Public Health Practice III3-3
Epidemiology Practicum1-1
Practical Nutrition1-1
Environmental Health Practicum1-1
Occupational Health and Safety Practice2-2
Nutrition and Evaluation Program22-
Health Promotion22-
Industrial Psychology *11-
Health Psychology22-
Sanitary Food and Beverage *11-
Housing Sanitation and Public Places22-
Health Management Information System22-
Health Sociology Anthropology *22-
Epidemiological Surveillance22-
Environmental Health Surveillance *22-
Fast Survey *22-
Epidemiologic Survey *22-
Media Development Technology *22-
Appropriate Technology *22-
Industrial Toxicology *22-

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