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Entrepreneur Class Program
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Entrepreneur Class Program (ECP, Employee Class Program) ~ S1, D3, S2

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Study Program Name:Chemical Engineering (S-1)
Science group:Engineering
Concentration / Specialisation:◪ Chemical Technology
◪ Factories Design
◪ Industrial Processes
◪ Silicate Technology (Ceramics, Cement and Glass)
Graduate Title / Mention:Engineer or Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Sarjana Teknik or Insinyur)
Title abbreviations according EYD:S.T. or Ir.
Title abbreviations are popular (used public):ST. or Ir.
PTS organizers (please click):ISTA - Institute of Science and Technology Al Kamal
UTS - University of technology Sulawesi, Makassar
UNUGHA - University of Nahdlatul Ulama Al Ghazali
UICM - University of Insan Cendekia Mandiri
FTUMJ - Faculty of Engineering University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Study Period & Study Load (Credits) :
SMA/SMU, SMK graduates, equivalent proceed to
S1 Chemical Engineering
Study Load = 144 - 152 sksStudy Period =
8 semester
D3, Polytechnic graduates, equivalent proceed to
S1 Chemical Engineering
Study Load = 40 - 46 sks
(If not a piece of science additional are given 2 - 21 sks)
Study Period =
3 semester
D2, S1, D1 graduates, transfer proceed to
S1 Chemical Engineering
Study Load = Calculated from remaining creditsStudy Period =
Calculated remaining credits

Curriculum / Subjects Courses:See below
Prospectus (Objectives, Competencies, Job Prospects / Career Graduates):See below

Title/mention above is a title often used (not necessarily used PTS).

Regarding title (for S1, S2, S3) or mention (for diploma) which is used by universities in Indonesia currently has no standard (not standard) again, although the government has made the rules, but most colleges only obey some of the rules the. It can not be blamed, because the development of the science group is very rapid and led to new branches of science which is an integration of several scientific groups, making it difficult for universities to classify these branches of the science group that created the government.

Similarly, by making short title / mention such, people tend to create their own abbreviations that are even more popular than EYD Indonesian rule.

Below given curriculum / course and prospectus (competency, job prospects / career graduates, etc.). For subjects study program of presented here is a slice (and some combination) of a college curriculum, so it is possible some no elective courses at the college, or the slightly different name of his courses.

Prospectus of S1 Chemical Engineering
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Chemical Engineering
S1 Chemical Engineering graduates have a deep enough theory to apply their knowledge in performing tasks in the field of Chemical Engineering, especially for the implementation of the operation, management and design.

S1 Chemical Engineering graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, skills and ability to develop themselves and be creative in the task of developing, designing and coordinating the work of processing the raw material into a product on a large scale through chemical processes and / or physics by considering the relevant technical aspects, economically sound environmental responsibility and power to be able to develop the natural wealth of Indonesia, for the welfare of the nation in particular and humanity in general.

General/basic competency Bachelor of Chemical Engineering is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know ways and can be constantly learning; handling each problem, was able to uncover the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in the field of chemical engineering ; can solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with the experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available.

Bachelor of Chemical Engineering subjects mastered elementary basic sciences, basic sciences and engineering sciences and chemical process engineering proficient and skilled in the use of (practice), so that it can adapt quickly when working in the chemical process industry and / or agencies (or sectors) are related, as the operating engineers, process engineers, design engineers, or sales engineer; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of industry and trade of chemical, able to follow new developments in the field of chemical engineering, conduct research , or follow the course of study at the next level; able to perform calculations to solve the problem of chemical engineering as an operating engineer and planner mill.

Bachelor of Chemical Engineering master the basic problems of piping design and equipment details so that the chemical industry can design and evaluate the system piping and equipment chemical industry; has the ability to understand and analyze the design of modern control systems for chemical processes; has the ability to analyze and master the techniques of biochemical engineering bioreactors in order to solve problems and perform design related to biotechnology; has the ability to analyze and carry out design of chemical processes.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Chemical Engineering
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering can work and a career in the chemical process industry, petrochemical industry, paper industry, food industry and foodstuffs, cement plants, fertilizer industries, mining processing industries, oil and gas industries, oil refinery, the company EPCC (Engineering, Procurement , Construction, and Commissioning), FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods), field oleochemical companies, industrial renewable energy (bioethanol, biodiesel, biomass gasification), the catalyst industry, agribusiness, various specialty chemical industries, government agencies (Bappeda, Bappenas, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry, Ministry of Health, etc.), research institutes, high peruguruan (PTN, PTS), etc.

Bachelor of Chemical Engineering can also be entreprenuer (entrepreneurs) to establish a reliable consulting engineering industry, chemical process consulting, etc.

S1 Chemical Engineering
* = Concentration / Specificity / Options Courses
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Courses SKS
Chemical Industry Equipment3
Information Technology Applications in Chemical Engineering2
Chemical Engineering Principles I2
Principles of Chemical Engineering II2
Chemical Engineering Principle III3
Construction Material Chemical Engineering2
English I2
English II *2
English III *2
English IV *2
Engineering Economics2
Machines Elements2
Basic Physics I2
Physics II2
Physics III2
Social Science Association2
Calculus I2
Calculus II2
Calculus III2
Chemical Analysis3
Basic Chemistry3
Chemical Physics3
Organic Chemistry3
Chemistry Solids3
Computational Process2
Concept Technology *2
Project Management *2
Chemical Engineering Mathematics II2
Chemical Engineering Mathematics II3
Drawing Techniques2
Gas / Petrochemical2
Microbiology Chemical Engineering2
Courses SKS
Operations of Chemical Engineering I3
Operations of Chemical Engineering II3
Operations of Chemical Engineering III3
Citizenship Education2
Pancasila Education2
Research Laboratory3
Quality Control and TQM2
Process Control3
At Activator2
Process Equipment Design3
Design Factory (Final)3
Chemical Plant Design I2
Chemical Plant Design II2
Chemical Engineering Practicum I2
Chemical Engineering Practicum II3
Chemical Engineering Practicum III2
Chemical Engineering Practicum IV2
Computer Program2
Chemical Process Industries I3
Chemical Process Industries II2
Transfer Process3
Building Structure *2
Chemical Reaction Engineering I2
Chemical Reaction Engineering II2
Chemical Reaction Engineering III2
Reactor Engineering *3
Power Engineering2
and Industrial Waste Water Technology2
Food Ingredients Technology2
Polymer Technology2
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics2
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II3

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