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Study Program Name:Elementary School Teacher Education (S-1)
Science group:Education
Concentration / Specialisation:◪ Elementary School Teacher Education
Graduate Title / Mention:Bachelor of Education (Sarjana Pendidikan)
Title abbreviations according EYD:S.Pd.
Title abbreviations are popular (used public):SPd.
PTS organizers (please click):UMHT - University of MH Thamrin, Jakarta
UNDARIS - University of Darul Ulum Islamic Center Sudirman GUPPI
UNISA - Islamic University of Al-Ihya, Kuningan
USM Indonesia - University of Sari Mutiara Indonesia Medan
UM Palangkaraya - University of Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya
UNUGHA - University of Nahdlatul Ulama Al Ghazali
UNU KALBAR - Nahdlatul Ulama University in West Kalimantan
UBUDIYAH - Ubudiyah University Indonesia
UNTARA - Tangerang Raya University
University of Nahdlatul Ulama Cirebon
Study Period & Study Load (Credits) :
SMA/SMU, SMK graduates, equivalent proceed to
S1 Elementary School Teacher Education
Study Load = 144 - 152 sksStudy Period =
8 semester
D3, Polytechnic graduates, equivalent proceed to
S1 Elementary School Teacher Education
Study Load = 40 - 46 sks
(If not a piece of science additional are given 2 - 21 sks)
Study Period =
3 semester
D2, S1, D1 graduates, transfer proceed to
S1 Elementary School Teacher Education
Study Load = Calculated from remaining creditsStudy Period =
Calculated remaining credits

Curriculum / Subjects Courses:See below
Prospectus (Objectives, Competencies, Job Prospects / Career Graduates):See below

Title/mention above is a title often used (not necessarily used PTS).

Regarding title (for S1, S2, S3) or mention (for diploma) which is used by universities in Indonesia currently has no standard (not standard) again, although the government has made the rules, but most colleges only obey some of the rules the. It can not be blamed, because the development of the science group is very rapid and led to new branches of science which is an integration of several scientific groups, making it difficult for universities to classify these branches of the science group that created the government.

Similarly, by making short title / mention such, people tend to create their own abbreviations that are even more popular than EYD Indonesian rule.

Below given curriculum / course and prospectus (competency, job prospects / career graduates, etc.). For subjects study program of presented here is a slice (and some combination) of a college curriculum, so it is possible some no elective courses at the college, or the slightly different name of his courses.

Prospectus of S1 Elementary School Teacher (PGSD)
Competency S1 Elementary School Teacher (PGSD)
Curriculum Studies Program S-1 PGSD expected to print a graduate profile that has the following capabilities:
  • Devoted and faithful to God Almighty, and mengaktuali-sasikan humanity and nationality.
  • Know the depth of primary school students about to be served.
  • Mastering science subjects source of teaching materials in elementary school.
  • Conducting educational learning.
  • Developing professional capabilities in a sustainable manner.
  • Responsible and ethical professional educator.
  • Participate in a multidisciplinary team.
  • Providing insight to the public about the importance of education.


a.Ability to devoted and faithful to God Almighty,
__and mengaktuasisasikan humanity and nationality.
  • Faithful and devoted to God Almighty
  • Obey in worship
  • uphold the moral and religious ethics in carrying out the task
  • Has humanity and sense of nationhood adequate.

b. Know deeply elementary learners who want to be served.
  • Getting to know students as individuals deferences
  • Provide treatment to students according to ability

c. Mastering the source material science subjects in primary school teaching.
  • Substance and methodology of science (disciplinary content knowledge)
  • Packaging materials science be taught in elementary school curriculum (pedagogical content knowledge)

d. Conducting educational learning.
  • The design of the learning program based on a series of situational decision
  • The implementation of learning programs including adjustment while sidewalk (mid-course adjustments) based on an on-going connection with transactional desicians unique reaction (ideosyncratic response) of the learner to teacher actions.
  • Accessing the process and outcomes of learning
  • Using the results of the assessment process and learning outcomes in order to improve the management of learning on an ongoing basis which refers to the achievement of the goals of education as a normative reference.

e. Responsibility and professional ethics educators.
  • Understand and implement professional ethics educators
  • Responsible for the professional educator


a. Develop professional capabilities in a sustainable manner.
  • Able to conduct research oriented pro-ses increase learning
  • Being able to improve the profession itself through scientific research and seminars

b. Provide insight to the public about the urgency of basic education.
  • Can provide effective information to the public about basic education
  • Ability to generate interest in the community to care for basic education.


Participate in a multidisciplinary team.a. Able to adapt and apply the knowledge in multi-disciplinaryb. Have a high spirit of togetherness.
Profile, Professional and Career Graduates S1 Elementary School Teacher Education

Profile Graduate Studies Program PGSD

  • Graduates of the fear of God Almighty and the personality shown by the behavior of elementary school teachers that promotes the values of discipline, wise, prudent, living healthy and fit.
  • Graduates are able to design, implement and assess the learning process in elementary school that refers to the achievement of learning objectives both aspects of cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
  • Graduates who master the learning materials, learning methodologies and can design an interactive learning media in accordance with the characteristics of the concrete operational learning in primary school.
  • Graduates of the master of science in order to apply didactic educational-methodical in developing learners at the elementary school level.
  • Graduates are able to develop their field through action research-based education in accordance with the needs and the development of science and technology, global perspective, creative, and innovative.
  • Graduates are able to communicate empathic and entrepreneurial spirit as well as meet the needs of the community at the elementary level.

Graduate profile above refers to the Class Teacher Competency Standards (SKGK) SD / MI issued by the Directorate General of Higher Education.

Professions and Career Graduates
Worked as a primary school teacher who is able to design and implement learning in primary schools to enable students with meaningful activities to achieve the learning objectives in SD which includes mastery of the five basic subjects (Indonesian, Mathematics, Civics, Social Sciences, and Science natural and able to develop other supporting subjects.

S1 Elementary School Teacher Education
* = Special Electives
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Guidance and Counseling2
Basic and Curriculum Development2
Ethics and Professional Education2
Evaluation of Learning2
Geometry and Measurement2
Basic Natural Sciences (IAD)3
Science Education2
Social Sciences Culture Association (ISBD)3
Learning innovation2
Education innovation2
Curriculum Studies and Literature Indonesia2
Civics Curriculum Studies2
Ability Barbahasa and compose2
Educational leadership be2
Basic Concepts IPA3
Basic Concepts IPS3
Basic Concept of Civics3
Education foundation2
Classroom management2
Education management2
Learning Media and ICT3
Micro Teaching2
learning Arithmetic2
Learning Language & Literature Indonesia2
Learning Geometry and Measurement3
Learning Math Problem Solving2
Integrated learning2
Child Education Special Berkutuhan2
Exceptional Child Education2
Science Education2
IPS Education2
Physical Education and Health Child 2
Regional Cultural Education 2
Scouting Education2
Citizenship Education3
Musical Arts Education2
Arts Education and Skills2
Dance and Drama art education2
Education research2
Classroom Action Research2
Basic Introduction to Mathematics3
Development of Basic Concepts IPA3
IPS Learning Development2
Development Pendidikian IPA2
Scientific Writing2
planning Learning2
Students Developments2
Educational Psychology2
Developmental Psychology2
General Psychology2
Real Teaching (PPL)4
Teaching and Learning Strategies2
Islamic Studies I2
Islamic Studies II2
Islamic Studies III2
Final Thesis4
Mathematics options:
Development of Teaching Materials of Mathematics *2
Work Shop Learning Mathematics *2
Option IPA (Biology):
Development of Teaching Material Science *2
Learning Innovation IPA *2
Bhs choice. Indonesia:
Development of Teaching Materials Bhs. Indonesia *2
Learning Management Bhs. Indonesia *2
Bhs choice. English:
English for Young leaners *2
Teaching English for Young leaners *2
IPS options:
Human Resource Development *2
IPS Learning Development2
Civics options:
Civics Teaching Materials Development *2
Work Shop Learning Civics *2

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